The story of Nathaniel McHorney's 1901 trip to Ecuador.

March 31st, 1901

The page for Sunday, March 31st says:

At office 5:45 A.M. Paying off for month past.
Indians around all day. Much incensed at having no
money to pay off. Boy gives them Phonograph selections
to enliven them. Both Alej and Auriliv Gomez good
helps. Trial of Higmio Aprais and Menaro Beira
takes place before Governor Stapleton at Quasamambi.
Two policemen from Playa de Oro take the witnesses
up before Governor Stapleton. He is sole judge on
this property. Got Camillio Quinones to work
this afternoon for him along with Camillio Sanchez.
Mr. E. Russell of very great service to Governor
Stapleton with statements. Provisions very low.
Mr. Moore says if N.Y office has deposited any
more money to his credit on April 1st as promised
on the 1st of each month - he would pay himself
$2000 - and then off to California. This was
said in yesterday's talk. He can make these
mines pay for he knows how to wash. Mr. Stapleton
very good and very quick but does not know
it all. Neither did McKenzie, though he was
the only man as far as he could judge the only
miner here; Boys are ordered up to Quasamambi
tomorrow to watch men while Mr. Stapleton comes
down to fix up the indians.
Very busy 13 hours. 94° Fahr. A long month.

Devotions at night.

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